The Guardian: Blockchain is this year’s buzzword – but can it outlive the hype?
The open-source ledger behind bitcoin is touted as revolutionary for everything from banking to health, but the jury is still out
The open-source ledger behind bitcoin is touted as revolutionary for everything from banking to health, but the jury is still out
Machine Logic, rules and algorithms, are becoming more dominant in daily life and society. That is not necessary a good thing.
British surgeons have successfully performed the world’s first robotic operation inside the eye, potentially revolutionising the way such conditions are treated.
How technology disrupted the truth | Katharine Viner One Monday morning last September, Britain woke to a depraved news story. The prime minister, David Cameron, had committed an “obscene act with a dead pig’s head”, according to the Daily Mail. “A distinguished Oxford contemporary claims Cameron once took part in an outrageous initiation ceremony at a Piers Gaveston event, involving a dead pig,” the paper reported. How technology disrupted the truth | Katharine Viner One Monday morning last September, Britain woke to a depraved news story. The prime minister, David Cameron, had committed an “obscene act with a dead pig’s head”, according to the Daily Mail. “A distinguished Oxford contemporary…