Forbes: 11 Tech Leaders Share The Real Truth About Artificial Intelligence (And What Really Matters)
11 Tech leaders present their truth on artificial intelligence
11 Tech leaders present their truth on artificial intelligence
Interesting article on the evolution of Machine Learning by Catherine Dong (TechCrunch)
O’Reilly’s annual-landscape of machine intelligence companies
The application of machine learning to the ever-increasing amounts of data being produced throughout the world will change everything when it comes to our jobs. Yes, these new technologies will make jobs easier for many people – but they also may make many of those jobs obsolete.
The hospitality industry has not always been at the forefront of high-tech innovation or implementation. Machine learning might change that.
Watson is known as IBM’s cognitive supercomputer that won the Jeopardy! gameshow. Watson is not actually a computer but a set of algorithms and APIs.
Cognitive computing in the form of intelligent machines is making inroads within the managerial ranks of companies, but a new survey finds a lack of trust