Forbes: 11 Tech Leaders Share The Real Truth About Artificial Intelligence (And What Really Matters)
11 Tech leaders present their truth on artificial intelligence
11 Tech leaders present their truth on artificial intelligence
Interesting article on the evolution of Machine Learning by Catherine Dong (TechCrunch)
Companies need to shift into new markets focuses on human services to deal with current automation of jobs
Current AI applications can be broken down into three loose categories: Transformative AI, DIY (Do It Yourself) AI, and Faux AI.
Thomas Friedman tries to answer the question “if machines can compete with people in thinking, what makes us humans unique?”
To understand the implications for your business, let’s cut through the hype and see what AI really is doing today.
O’Reilly’s annual-landscape of machine intelligence companies
24 Hours every day sufferers of depression can contact Tess and have a good talk. Tess will listen without bias and can remember everything.
Machine Logic, rules and algorithms, are becoming more dominant in daily life and society. That is not necessary a good thing.
Humans and computers working together and fusing into a virtual creature