Science Daily: Virtual brain could aid surgical planning
Researchers have simulated neural activity based on the unique structural architecture of individual brain tumor patients using a platform called The Virtual Brain.
The future is digital. A digital future is about technology and humans collaborating to improve organizations as well as society and the human conditions. On these pages we will curate articles and links to new and interesting technology solutions as well as to discussions on what the future might bring.
See more on the DIgital Future Page by the Digital Curator
Researchers have simulated neural activity based on the unique structural architecture of individual brain tumor patients using a platform called The Virtual Brain.
Link to an interesting article on using machine learning to automate reading satellite images and translating these to maps
The open-source ledger behind bitcoin is touted as revolutionary for everything from banking to health, but the jury is still out
The rate at which innovations appear and disappear has been carefully measured.
11 Tech leaders present their truth on artificial intelligence
Interesting article on the evolution of Machine Learning by Catherine Dong (TechCrunch)
Companies need to shift into new markets focuses on human services to deal with current automation of jobs
Current AI applications can be broken down into three loose categories: Transformative AI, DIY (Do It Yourself) AI, and Faux AI.
AI might replace human acitivities and it is not likely to replace human skills
What IT managers need to know about enterprise robotics