Wired.UK: How the blockchain will enable self-service government
The conversation around Bitcoin has shifted from curiosity, confusion and doubt to one in which serious decision-makers are recognising the many ways blockchain ledgers can be used
The future is digital. A digital future is about technology and humans collaborating to improve organizations as well as society and the human conditions. On these pages we will curate articles and links to new and interesting technology solutions as well as to discussions on what the future might bring.
See more on the DIgital Future Page by the Digital Curator
The conversation around Bitcoin has shifted from curiosity, confusion and doubt to one in which serious decision-makers are recognising the many ways blockchain ledgers can be used
Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has build a robot to appear as an human being, a true android called Nadine
Cognitive computing in the form of intelligent machines is making inroads within the managerial ranks of companies, but a new survey finds a lack of trust
IBM Watson APIs evolved in 2015 to simplify development for would-be users of the system as they start to traverse the world of cognitive computing applications
even though computational speed might increase rapidly for many years to come, it’s highly questionable whether our capacity to build better models of cognition increases at the same speed.
The future of healthcare is all about the individual
Interesting sources on the subject of Internet of Things
Innovation is a big undertaking and a strategy is needed to make it succesful
Interesting sources on the subject of Internet of Things
More articles and Links on the Blockchain