Forbes: 11 Tech Leaders Share The Real Truth About Artificial Intelligence (And What Really Matters)
11 Tech leaders present their truth on artificial intelligence
11 Tech leaders present their truth on artificial intelligence
Companies need to shift into new markets focuses on human services to deal with current automation of jobs
Current AI applications can be broken down into three loose categories: Transformative AI, DIY (Do It Yourself) AI, and Faux AI.
AI might replace human acitivities and it is not likely to replace human skills
What IT managers need to know about enterprise robotics
Many people have been asking “will a robot take my job?” A recent competition may leave you asking “will a robot find me my next job?”
The dream of the flying car could come down to earth before it gets off the ground. Rising in its place: a network of self-flying drones big enough to ferry individual commuters around town.
Biologists have been experimenting with building materials made with living organisms for years. When will they be used to build our cities?
Thomas Friedman tries to answer the question “if machines can compete with people in thinking, what makes us humans unique?”
It’s a headline that is all too familiar these days. As the world of automation grows, what to do with this displaced workforce is becoming a leading topic among economists as well as world and business leaders