Diginomica: Playing HR catch-up with the technology
What are the HR trends for 2017 when the world is becoming increasing more digital?
What are the HR trends for 2017 when the world is becoming increasing more digital?
In Schumpeter’s column common and often repeated assumptions on basic management ideas are challenged and this offers a refreshing take on business gurus and management books
There is a lot to learn on designing digital organizations from more traditional companies who had to apply forms of digital transformation to stay relevant
To be truly successful in the long run, business leaders must undergo a personal digital transformation themselves before they can ably guide their companies forward.
What can you do with an Hololens in designing spaces? In this video by Gensler a discussion on the possibilities
Bask Iyer, VMware CIO & CIO ai DELL-EMC discusses aspects of his job and the significance of customers’ insights to support business strategy
Paul Leenards was selected for the top 100 influencers on Service Management
According to a 2013 CEB study, “only one in four HR organizations have effectively integrated their talent management practices…with the company’s strategic objectives.”
Stuart Rance gives his view on the past and future of IT Service Management
Humans and computers working together and fusing into a virtual creature